Den Ortodokse Kirke i Danmark -

Bogpræsentation på Georgiens Ambassade 22. november 2019 – “8 days in Georgia”

Fre­dag den 22. novem­ber 2019 kl. 17.00 præ­sen­te­rer Anders Breit­holz i sam­ar­bej­de med Geor­gi­ens Ambas­sa­de i Dan­mark sin bog “Otte dagar i Geor­gi­en — om en pil­grims­resa i den orto­doxt krist­na vär­l­den”. Den hand­ler om Guds­mo­ders Beskyt­tel­ses Menig­heds tur til Geor­gi­en i okto­ber 2018. Der vil bli­ve vist bil­le­der fra turen og præ­sen­ta­tio­nen fore­går på engelsk.

Send ven­ligst en besked sene­st man­dag den 18/11 med til­mel­ding til Jakob Smith på – angiv ven­ligst antal til­meld­te / Plea­se send a mes­sa­ge with regi­stra­tion by Mon­day 18th Nov. to Jakob Smith at – plea­se spe­ci­fy the num­ber of attendees.

Embas­sy of Geor­gia to the King­dom of Denmark
Kal­ve­bod Bryg­ge 45
DK-1560 Køben­havn V

In Eng­lish:
On 22nd of Novem­ber 2019, at 5 pm. the Embas­sy of Geor­gia to the King­dom of Den­mark will host the book pre­sen­ta­tion of Swe­dish aut­hor, Carl Anders Breit­holtz. ”Eight days in Geor­gia: A book on a pil­gri­ma­ge in the Ortho­dox Chri­sti­an world”.

About the aut­hor: CARL ANDERS BREITHOLTZ left Church of Swe­den six years ago and con­ver­ted to the Ortho­dox Church. Sur­pri­sing horizons were ope­ned up, both inner and outer, such as the pil­gri­ma­ge to Geor­gia and a pre­vious one to Holy Mt Athos. The aut­hor is Master of Busi­ness Admi­ni­stra­tion with a back­gro­und in tra­de and indu­s­try in Swe­den and other countries.

Bogen kan købes her / The book can be bought here