Orthodox Church in Copenhagen, Denmark

Guds­mo­ders Beskyt­tel­ses Menig­hed – Parish of the Pro­tection of the Mot­her of God – is an Ortho­dox Chri­sti­an parish. It’s rector is archpri­est Poul Seb­be­lov, and the parish is also ser­ved by the dea­con Irakli Tsakadze.

The parish of the Pro­tection of the Mot­her of God is part of the Bul­ga­ri­an Patriarchate’s dio­ce­se for USA, Cana­da and Austra­lia. The dio­ce­se has two paris­hes in Scan­di­navia. The dio­ce­se is hea­ded by His Emi­nen­ce Metro­po­li­tan Joseph (Bosakov), who­se resi­den­ce is in NYC.

We cele­bra­te the divi­ne ser­vi­ces accor­ding to the ”new calen­dar” of The Ortho­dox Church. Besi­des the feasts of the Ortho­dox church-year we cele­bra­te Divi­ne Litur­gy eve­ry Sun­day with the cor­re­spon­ding Ves­pers on Satur­day eve­nings.
(plea­se con­fer with the list of ser­vi­ces).

The litur­gi­cal langu­a­ge of the parish is Danish. If the rector finds it appro­pi­a­te, other langu­a­ges can be used to a certain extent.

Our rector can be rea­ched via email on forstander@ortodoks.dk.

Furt­her con­ta­ct information