Divine Liturgy in Danish and Georgian languages

On Satur­day May 25th 2019, at 9.00 in the mor­ning we will cele­bra­te the Divi­ne Litur­gy with the ser­vi­ce chants sung by the Geor­gi­an choir — “Shav­na­ba­da” Ensemble.

Bri­e­fly about the ensemble:
Foun­ded in 2005, they per­form folk songs, church chants and Geor­gi­an instru­men­tal music. When The Patri­arch Ilia II (The Geor­gi­an Ortho­dox Church) tra­vels both in Geor­gia and abro­ad, the “Shav­na­ba­da” Ensem­b­le accom­pa­nies him as they are also mem­bers of the Geor­gi­an Patri­ar­chal Choir. They have alre­a­dy relea­sed 9 CD’s and 1 DVD.

For more infor­ma­tion, plea­se, visit their Face­book site: https://www.facebook.com/Traditionmusic/

Map and directions:

Find your way with bus and train

View lar­ger map

On Thurs­day May 23rd 2019, at 20.00 in the eve­ning, the choir will also be per­for­m­ing in Mar­mor­kir­ken in Copen­ha­gen. More info here.