Ved f. diakon Irakli Tsakadze
Lørdag den 22. marts, kl. 15.00
Sted: Blomstervænget 10, kld., 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Foredraget holdes på engelsk af f. diakon Irakli Tsakadze.
Her er en kort introduktion til foredraget:
One of the remarkable achievements of the XX century’s cosmology and physics is the description of evolution of the universe and its matter. Scientists have come to better understand the physical foundation of the universe, which acts as a combination of different interactions or forces described by a set of fundamental physical constants.
Dealing with this question, scientists found a striking association between exact values of the physical constants and the possibility of creation of life and intelligence in the universe. The proposition of the fine-tuned Universe was offered stating that life in the universe can only occur when certain universal fundamental physical constants lie within a very narrow range and slight change in their values would not lead to the creation of matter and intelligent life.
The proposition raised number of questions amongst which is the place of a human being in the universe, which is also the central question in the Christian anthropocentrism.
The presented talk is an attempt to discuss this question from the point of view of modern Science and Christianity.
Efter foredrag og samtale holdes der aftentjeneste kl. 17.00.