Heb. 7: 7 — 17
Luk. 2: 22 — 40
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Læsninger: Læsninger: Læsninger: Læsninger: Læsninger: Læsninger: Til slut oplæses et uddrag af metropolit Josephs Julebudskab. Det fulde budskab kan læses her. Læsninger: ARCHPASTORAL NATIVITY GREETING Christ is born, glorify Him! Dearest Beloved Fathers, Brothers and Sisters, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14). It is with these words, that the angels joyfully praised the coming to earth of the Son of God on the Holy Eve of Nativity two thousand twenty-two years ago. The human race had long awaited the Savior of the world, and the shepherds of Bethlehem, pure in heart and filled with sincere faith, were the first to receive the message of the Birth of Christ. “I bring you good tidings of great joy”, the angel told them, “which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:10–11). St. Apostle Paul calls this event “great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh” (1 Tim. 3:16). “He Who, being the brightness of His glory”, (Heb. 1:3) has become “the Son of man” (Luke 7:34). He has brought low the heavens, as the hymnist poetically describes the Birth of Christ, and has descended to earth. “But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a Woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.” (Gal.4:4–5). It was out of love, that the Son of God came down to earth and gave us reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:19), the word of life (Phil. 2:16), that He might lift us up to Heaven. (Phil.3:20). It is this Gospel message of Christ, which the Apostles spread to all the peoples of the world, and those who believed, they made members of the Church of Christ and children of God through the Mystery of Holy Baptism (1 John 3:1). Through the labors of the Apostles in preaching the Gospel, local Churches appeared in all parts of the world, much as oases in the desert, and these Churches in turn comprise the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, whose Head is Christ. The Church history tells us, that in 988, at the moment when the people of Kiev were being baptized in the waters of the Dnieper River, the Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir prayed: “O God, look dawn from heaven, and behold, and visit, bless and nourish this our vineyard, which You have planted with Your right hand.” Thanks to his ardent labors, the Faith of Christ spread throughout the lands of Kievan Rus and beyond. Along with it, the peoples’ education and culture flourished, and numerous beautiful temples and monasteries were built, where even today Orthodox Ukrainians and Russians praise and glorify The Lord. Now, that we have entered the 2nd Millennium of Orthodox Christian Faith in the Ukrainian and Russian Lands, to our deepest regret, we have become witnesses to a bloody fratricidal war. Despite of the constant military operations and attacks and the disruptions of the civilian life, Orthodox Christians in both countries, Ukraine and Russia, continue to worship the Coming of Our Lord, born of The Most Holy Virgin Mary, in Bethlehem. My Dearly Beloved in the Newborn Lord, we in our Bulgarian Orthodox Diocese, like all the Orthodox Ukrainians and Russians, are recipients of the same spiritual legacy and ecclesiastical traditions of our pious ancestors. Just as the branch cannot bring forth fruit, if it does not remain on the vine (John15:4), so too, we cannot embody in our lives the spiritual legacy of our ancestors, if we do not remain one in our spiritual Mother – the Orthodox Church of Christ. My warm request to all of you now is: “Please, let us pray to the Newborn God-Child for peace in Ukraine, in Russia, and among the nations in the entire world!” It is through the Holy Mysteries that we partake of the never- ending wellspring of Goodness, and it is through pious living that we deepen our roots in the soil of the Church. Just as a seed which has fallen on fertile soil brings forth a rich harvest, so too, we who have been grafted to the Church of Christ through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, and who remain within the holy enclosure of the Orthodox Church, are to bring forth a rich harvest through the example of our lives. Dearly Beloved in the Lord, fathers, brothers and sisters! I sincerely greet you with this day of great joy – the Feast of the Birth of Christ. May the grace of the God-Child born to us today remain with each one of you throughout the year, and continually bring you spiritual joy, renewal and a Blessed Orthodox Christian Life. During these holy days, let us all bring forth our pure and steadfast faith as a gift to the newborn Christ, and likewise give witness to this faith with works of love and mercy. Let us continually “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever. Amen.” (2 Peter 3:18). Have a Happy and Blessed New 2023 Year! With love in the Newborn God-Child, + (S) Metropolitan JOSEPH Læsninger: Læsninger: | |||